Flip pdf pro winter snow
Flip pdf pro winter snow

11.48.080 - If two or more inches of snow have accumulated, vehicles are prohibited from parking or standing on any street or city right-of-way between midnight and 6 am (3 am to 6 am in central business district). These provisions typically allow local law enforcement to tow noncompliant vehicles and issue citations.

flip pdf pro winter snow

Some of these laws take effect upon a certain level of snow accumulation, while others only take effect if the jurisdiction has declared a snow emergency. Municipalities in Washington have adopted a variety of parking restrictions to help facilitate the snow and ice removal process, including temporary parking prohibitions. Parking Restrictions to Facilitate Snow Removal 981 (2012) - Declaring a snow and ice emergency resolution self-terminates after 30 days unless terminated earlier or extended by council Secondary roads receive service within 2-3 days and other gravel roads do not receive winter maintenance. Stevens County Winter Maintenance Policy - Primary roads, including all paved roads and high traffic gravel roads, receive priority winter maintenance.Pierce County Snow and Ice Plan (2010) - Provides inventory of snow plowing equipment, four-phase response plan for snow and ice events, and guidelines for snow plowing and chemical application.Mason County Resolution 55-13 (2013) - Establishes snow and ice control as the highest public works priority during winter months, listing types and priority of roadway treatment.See county’s Snow and Ice page for an explanation of property tax shortfalls that have forced a significant reduction in the number of snow routes. 14.48 - County must identify and clear snow emergency routes and alert the public in event of a snow emergency. Walla Walla Snow Plowing Policy (2011) - Instructions for snow plow and snow loader operators.City also maintains a real-time snow removal map that shows plowing progress. Spokane Snow Removal Operations - Webpage includes snow removal route map, brochures, and parking guide for residents.Establishes city responsibility for clearing state highway within city limits. Port Townsend Snow Removal Policy - Assigns streets to three priority levels for snow removal and sanding.Palouse Snow Removal Guidelines - Informational guidelines geared toward residents and property owners.Leavenworth Snow Removal Priority Guidelines (2015) - Fairly detailed priorities and procedures.Colville Snow Plowing Procedures - Establishes priority streets and identifies hours of coverage.


Transportation Review Board: Guidelines for the Selection of Snow and Ice Control Materials to Mitigate Environmental Impacts (2007) - Publication and downloadable software helps public agencies evaluate cost, performance, and impacts of snow and ice treatments.King County Stormwater Pollution Manual: Street Deicing Operations (2016) - Best management practices for de-icing and/or anti-icing operations to minimize water pollution.Practice Tip: Some anti-icing and de-icing products may have negative impacts on the surrounding environment, particularly through stormwater pollution.

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Several court decisions have established that a public agency cannot be held liable for damage or injuries caused by snow and ice if it has not had a reasonable opportunity to clear the streets. RCW 47.24.020(6) requires cities and towns to clear snow from state highways within city limits, except that the state shall plow those roads “when necessary.” The 2013 City Streets as Part of State Highways Conformed Agreement clarifies the meaning of “when necessary,” establishing that the state will plow snow, with city concurrence, on the traveled lane of a state highway on the way through cities without adequate snow plowing equipment. Less-traveled roads receive a lower priority and, especially in low-density residential areas, some roads may not be plowed at all. Cities and counties often prioritize their road networks for snow and ice removal, focusing first on high-volume arterials.

Flip pdf pro winter snow